Ready to roll again!

We’ve been working on Miss Lueffie the past few days to get her ready to go. It’s amazing how cluttered a small RV can get.

We put stuff away, painted over some rust and took her down to the carwash and gave her a bath; she was totally filthy after sitting under the trees in Tennessee and then driving south. As everyone knows, vehicles run better and faster when they’re clean. Took about two hours and we missed a spot or two and scrubbed some oxidized paint off, but she looks a lot better!

We’re heading over to Cherry Pocket, a fish camp on Lake Pierce all of 75 miles away. The forecast is for great weather. There’s nothing to do there except fish and eat, and since we don’t fish….

I expect we’ll watch the water slosh, have a drink or three, then eat, then watch the water slosh, then have happy hour, then eat, and repeat a couple of times. We’ll bring back a full report.

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