• The new journey begins….

    Miss Lueffie II…. hmmm

    I don’t really know. Should we name the newer bus Miss Lueffie or not? You can’t sell a friend, so we gave her to our son. So, how can we name a new friend after an old one when the old one is still around? Sitting there in that lonely driveway…

    Okay, I know I sound so sentimental don’t I! Lemme think on it and I’ll get backatcha!

  • Miss Lueffie’s new home!

    Miss Lueffie’s new home!

  • Miss Lueffie busted at the seams!

    Backfired! Dead engine. Restarted. Sounded Louder but running good. Got home and here you go….

    Miss Lueffie! What on earth were you thinking?! Really, a split muffler! lol’s