• A Campers rule. A place for everything, and everthing in it’s place!

    You are probably wondering, why the title ” A place for everything, and everything in its place”. If there is anything I’ve learned in this short five years of camping and traveling full time in an RV, is where to put stuff and why!

    When we started out over five years ago, we knew we had to downsize, downsize, downsize! Then,  keep only what we needed. Remove something, put it back for Gods sake! There’s nothing worse than when you pull out on the road and you have stuff flying everywhere!

    Just remember, there should always be a place for everything, and keep everything in it’s place. Happy Camping…

  • Naming the ark

    We’ve been having a lukewarm discussion (we never have heated discussions) on what to name our new huge road beast.

    Traditionally you can name a new ship the same as an old ship as an honor. Usually the old ship is decommissioned and the new ship is christened; hence the first USS Enterprise was a 1780’s Navy schooner and the current Big E was recently retired. There have of course been exceptions. The original Miss Lueffie hasn’t been decommissioned so reusing that name isn’t quite right.

    Ark Royal is still in use; has been continously since Henry VIII’s time. So that’s out. How about “The Queen’s Barge?”

    Why am I not surprised that Mom loves it….


  • The Queen’s Barge!

    We name thee The Queen’s Barge! Photos coming so stay tuned for the grand opening.

    You don’t rename a friend, you make a new one! And, so now the journey begins….