
Mom’s gotten re-obsessed with genealogy. Some new DNA test or something became available a couple of months ago and now pretty much every conversation involves ancestors. For a couple of months. Ancestors. Relatives. Ancestors. Relatives. Did I mention ancestors? Morning, noon and night. Ancestors. Revered ancestors. Hated ancestors. And worse, ancestors and relatives on Facebook.

I don’t see what the big deal is; her family tree is as straight-arrow as they come.

One of the relatives on Mom’s FB group pulled a fast one and referred to the Buger family, even suggesting that you could get a Buger sample while the victim slept. (say that out loud)

Not only did that send people scurrying to check the family trees for Bugers, one person even said he’d nail old Dad while he slept.

And I thought owl sex on the gag shag was bad.



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