Couldn’t sleep, and all for the wrong reasons!

I expected to have a sleepless night because I was so excited last night. We have not traveled in two years, it’s been too long! We had simply settled in at a campground and didn’t want to leave. Well, it’s leave or see another winter and that’s not what us snowbirds are about!

The Coach was ready early in the day and we just sat around…

Last night, I get heartburn of all things! Took 6 Alka-Seltzers and 8 Tums to get rid of it!

Damn, the Keruig Machine didn’t spit out my coffee! Ooops, it didn’t poke that little much needed hole to give me the magic wake up juice I need. Had to throw it away and start over…

Okay, now that I’ve had my coffee, checked my email, etc. etc. etc. our Internet should go on hold any second and cut me off! Glad I got my trusty backup VirginMobile card. I’m ready to hit the road..


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